That's what I thought, and these are NOT running within a
query. There is a Knowledge Base article (294698)that
indicates that they are prohibited altoghether, but like
many of these artilces, it's poorly writtens so I can't
tell if it is related to within a query or not. Also, it
seems Sandbox related, but once againt the function is
just a plain old call from within a module. So I was
trying to find out if anyone had trouble running FileCopy
(or anything else in the list for SP7 prohibited functions
under any circumdstance.
I am beginning to suspect the customer is the culprit.
They are "locking down" the "c:" drive, and I suspect they
have monkeyed with the execute permissions on some dll.
Would have any idea what the dll is that supports
FileCopy, and Kill (another one that wont' work), but
Environ works, which is ont he SP7 list.
-----Original Message-----
The only SP7 I know about for Access 2002 is the Jet4
SP7. The command you want is a VBA