from my understanding and examples on the web an in this forum the
followinsnipplet should work, but the test always fails, the documents exists
however, as proven by the .Open statement.
Dim fso
Dim file As String
Dim vTryDocuments() As Variant
vTryDocuments =
Array("http://eda-sp-1/sites/AFV/Shared Documents/Timelines/Study_TL.vsd", _
"http://eda-sp-1/sites/AFV/Shared Documents/Timelines/AFV_Exp_Meeting_09_2005.vsd")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For k = 0 To UBound(vTryDocuments)
file = vTryDocuments(k)
Debug.Print file
If Not fso.FileExists(file) Then
MsgBox file & " was not located.", vbInformation, "File Not
Found" 'thats where I always drop to
MsgBox file & " has been located.", vbInformation, "File Found"
End If
Application.Documents.Open (file) ' the files open here perfect
Next k
from my understanding and examples on the web an in this forum the
followinsnipplet should work, but the test always fails, the documents exists
however, as proven by the .Open statement.
Dim fso
Dim file As String
Dim vTryDocuments() As Variant
vTryDocuments =
Array("http://eda-sp-1/sites/AFV/Shared Documents/Timelines/Study_TL.vsd", _
"http://eda-sp-1/sites/AFV/Shared Documents/Timelines/AFV_Exp_Meeting_09_2005.vsd")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For k = 0 To UBound(vTryDocuments)
file = vTryDocuments(k)
Debug.Print file
If Not fso.FileExists(file) Then
MsgBox file & " was not located.", vbInformation, "File Not
Found" 'thats where I always drop to
MsgBox file & " has been located.", vbInformation, "File Found"
End If
Application.Documents.Open (file) ' the files open here perfect
Next k