Files changing to read-only



Are you sure that the file attribute has been reset, or
is it possible that the server is just holding a read
lock on an open file? You'd need to right-click the file
and select properties, then examine the read only
checkbox to be sure.

My guess is that your user had the document open sometime
since the last reboot of her machine, and that while the
document was open, Word ended unexpectedly. Sometimes,
certain Word processes remain running in memory after the
GUI part of Word crashes, maintaining a read lock on the
files that were open when it crashed. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del
when it happens and look at the applications list (which
probably won't show Word, because the GUI is dead), then
the processes list, which may show multiple instances of
Winword. Kill them, then restart Word. The file lock
should be released then. Happens with Excel too, but not
nearly as often as it does with Word.
Alternatively, if you don't want her killing processes,
just have her reboot when she gets a read lock msg in

Hope this helps.

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