Files from 2002 do not synchronize


Sayre M

I have been using Groove 3.1 for about 18 months only in the file sharing
mode with about 5 large workspaces. While slow, usually it worked OK.

Recently, I started using my account on two computers. I added several new
workspaces that I only share with a single account between the two computers.
I noticed that Groove will not send files with a range of dates in about
2002. This behavior does not seem to be limited to a single folder,
workspace, or file type. The main commonality seems to be the date last
modified is around early 2002. Recent files synchronize without trouble.

These are large workspaces with 1000+ files.

I tried Grooveclean (without -all) on the newer computer (the one with the
missing files) and that did not help. I also tried deleting the shared
workspace and redownloading the workspaces from the old computer to the new
one. That did not work either.

Has anyone else ever seen this behavior? What might work to fix it?




Dear Sayre,

In your decription, you've indicated that you have the problem for the
Groove communication on your multiple computers. If I have misunderstood your
concern, please let me know.

According to your case, in order to narrow down and resolve this issue,
please let me confirm some information with you.

1: If you cannot see when other users are online on one or both of your two

2: If other users may see your account as being offline when you are online
on one or more of your two computers.

3: If you can receive or send the message on both of your computers or you
only can receive or send the message from your desktop or laptop.

4: If you can receive workspace changes only on one computer and not another.

If you encountered one or more the above presence and delivery services
issues, then based on my research, these issues may be caused when the
sequence numbers that are associated with your account become unsynchronized.

Based on this situation, then in order to make the sequence numbers for your
Groove account synchronized with each other, then we can try to use these
steps and then test the results.

1: Please compare with your Groove account’s sequence numbers on your
desktop and laptop:


A: Open the Launchbar.

B: Click Options->Contact Manager, and choose this problematic account and
click Diagnostics.

C: Then in the Contact tab, then please check the Contact sequence number.

2: If the sequence numbers from your two computers are out of synch, then
you will have a different sequence number from your two computers.

If difference is in single (or small double) digits, then we should edit
identity's vCard as many times as the difference, plus one.

E.g. if one sequence number is 2002 and the other is 2007, edit vCard 7 - 2
= 5, 5 + 1 = 6 times.

From the smaller sequence number’s computer, in order to edit identity's
vCard, we should click Options menu > Preferences > in Identity tab, click
Edit button to edit it. (Please note that you are only able to edit the item
in Personal tab in Edit Identity interface.)

However, if the difference for these two sequence number are very large,
then we should use another way to deal with this issue.

We can remove your Groove account on your desktop first, and then we can
backup you account from your desktop and restore it on your laptop again as
many times as there are thousands in the difference, plus one.

E.g. If one sequence number is 2001 and the other is 6020, then we should
backup and restore 6 - 2 = 4, 4 + 1 = 5 times.

For the detail steps for this solution, please let us refer to these steps.


1:If the number is not same, please go to your desktop on which Groove
account is working fine => click Options menu => Preferences tab => in
Account tab, make sure that "multiple computers" are setup properly => click
the button "Save Account as a File" to save it as account.grv.

2: Go to your laptop on which your groove account is not working correctly=>
login the Groove account, click Options menu => Preferences tab => in Account
tab, click Delete Account from This Computer => click OK and click File menu
=> Exit Groove => Restart Groove program to delete the account => double
click the file account.grv to import the account again => and then download
the workspaces on the computer to fix the issue.

3: Furthermore, for your convenience, we can also refer to the steps in the
following link to deal with this issue and I think it may also be helpful for
us to resolve this issue more efficiently.

Finally, this sequence number issue will be fixed up in the next generation
of Groove (Groove 2007). Up to now, the newest version of Groove 2007 is a
Beta 2. If you are interested in this product, you can download and install
this beta version of Groove by the following link with your current license.
And if you have any concern about the license, you can contact your Groove
sales and they can provide the detail information related to the license

For the upgrade issue, you can also refer to this link:

Meanwhile, please understand that since Groove 2007 is a Beta version
product so far, then the performance of this product has been optimized
completely. So I think you’d better use it when it is published officially.

I appreciate your time and efforts. If anything is unclear, feel free to let
me know. I am happy to be of assistance and look forward to hearing from you

Best regards,

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