Files hang upon saving



I'm having an issue where files sometimes hang up when trying to save.
Everthign seems to work OK until triggered by a save attempt. Eventually,
this leads to a full computer lock-up and the need for a hard reboot each

I've tried numerous methods to close out of the files after the hang to no
avail. Always leads to error that says...ERROR...this program cannot be
closed...if you have a debugger running, close or resume it and try again".
I can find no evidence of any debugger prrogram running. And even if there
were, I wouldn't be able to access it after it hangs.

This used to happen exclusively in Excel, but today it happened with a
PowerPoint file.

Any ideas?


Right-click on the My Computer icon on the Windows desktop,
left-click on Disconnect Network Drive, and disconnect any mapped
network drives that are not currently available.

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