FILES IN excel



Why doea EXCEL not allow two files with same names but in different FOLDERS
to be opened at same time?

For example:


Obviously, these are not the same files. And for me, it is much easier to
have my files, in different folder, have same name. Why can't EXCEL make this
work. It is driving me crazy because I need to "link" most of my files and I
cannot do so without renaming.


Bernard Liengme

If Book1 references Book2 in a formula and both books are open then the
formula takes a form such as =[Book2.xls]Sheet1!A1 The path to the file
does not display
Clearly this would not work with two files of the same name.

Why not adopt a naming convention such as April_Rev_2009 and April-Exp_2009
best wishes

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