Ethel Hess said:
Beginning this morning, whenever I open Excel 2004, every file I have opens
one right after the other. I have to force quit in order to make it stop.
I have restarted over and over to no avail. Help!
Ethel Hess
I had this problem several weeks ago, and I am fairly certain that it
was actually an Excel macro virus. To fix the problem I had to remove
the Microsoft folder from my Library/Preferences directory. This
happened after I installed Office 2004, and then accidentally opened a
SPAM e-mail with attachment (I was trying to select the e-mail to move
it to my SPAM folder but accidentally double-clicked on it).
If you haven't been able to fix this problem, try this:
1. quit all Office 2004 apps
2. move the Microsoft folder under your Library/Preferences directory
(/Users/<username>/Library/Preferences) to another location (I moved
mine to a backup directory on my Desktop)
3. try opening Excel 2004
After I did that Excel stopped trying to open every file in my home
directory. If this works you can delete the backed-up Microsoft folder
you moved.
You may also want to install Virex, which is available for free if you
have a .Mac account.
Hope this helps,