FileSearch Idiosyncracies




I have a folder consisting of Word documents, and frequently need to
retrieve files containing some given text.
So I solicit the help of VBA and cook up the following subroutine for

Sub Test()
Dim fs As FileSearch
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.FileType = msoFileTypeWordDocuments
.FileName = "*.doc"
.TextOrProperty = InputBox("Input Search String")
.LookIn = "c:\job\04\04\test\"
.SearchSubFolders = False
End with
Set fs=nothing

MsgBox .Execute()
' returns the number of files found

End Sub

In the LookIn folder ("c:\job\04\04\test\"), there are 2 doc files, each
containing the word "gobble'.
However, when I input "gobble" in the input box, the .execute method returns
0 files.
I have tried inputing "*gobble*", "gobbl*", but to no avail.
What have gone wrong?
Suggestions are most welcome!

Peter Hewett

Hi robot

This works for me:

Public Sub FindSomeDocuments()
Dim docToModify As Word.Document
Dim lngindex As Long

' Set the folder to search and type of file
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "c:\my documents\test\"
.SearchSubFolders = False
.FileName = "*.doc"
.FileType = msoFileTypeWordDocuments
.TextOrProperty = "test"
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For lngindex = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count

' *** Execute your code here ***
Debug.Print .FoundFiles(lngindex)

' Save and close updated document
Next lngindex
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "There are no files is the search path that match the search criteria"
End If
End With
End Sub

HTH + Cheers - Peter


Hi Peter,

Thank you for your reply.
I should have made myself clearer: The subroutine works (the line 'set
fs=nothing' should be deleted. My mistake.) most of the time, but some
search strings, such as 'gobble', 'abc', etc, cause problems: They are in
the documents, yet for some reasons they cannot be found by the FileSearch

Peter Hewett

Hi robot

During my testing of this in the past I've not found any anomalies when specifying the
TextOrProperty. I know this doesn't help but it does what I expect during testing.

Is their anything out of the ordinary about the text you are searching for? Is it in the
body of the document, the result of a field??? I'm just trying to work through what may
be going on at your end as so far I can't reproduce it.

Cheers - Peter

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your reply.
I should have made myself clearer: The subroutine works (the line 'set
fs=nothing' should be deleted. My mistake.) most of the time, but some
search strings, such as 'gobble', 'abc', etc, cause problems: They are in
the documents, yet for some reasons they cannot be found by the FileSearch

HTH + Cheers - Peter


Hi Peter,

I still have problem with 'Gobble'. It is plain old text that I typed in a
document for testing.
I also tried searching for 'Gobbl', 'Gobb', 'Gob'. All return nil. But when
I searched for 'Go', both the said document and another document that
*doesn't* contain the string 'Go' are returned!!
I wonder if anyone has ever encountered the same problem.

BTW, I use Win XP and Office XP standard.

Peter Hewett

Hi robot

I've done further investigation. The FileSearch objects TextOrProperty property only
matched whole words (I have not tested to determine *exactly* what a "word" is). So if
you search for "Gobbl", "Gobb" or "Gob" and the text in the document is "Gobble" then your
not going to get a successful match. You can use wildcards in your search string. So
"Gob*" will match "Gobble", "Gobbles" and "Gobbled". Or "Gobble?" with match "Gobbles",
"Gobbled" but not "Gobble".

The text comparison is case insensitive so "Gobble" = "goBBLe". At this stage the problem
may well be what constitutes a "word" boundary.

HTH + Cheers - Peter


Hi Peter,

I have tried wildcards (see my first posting) also, but unfortunately that
doesn't help.
At this moment I have no clue what's going on :-(

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