FileSystemObject does not work on SharePoint


Amedee Van Gasse

I have written the following function that checks is a directory
I'm posting to Excel and Word-related groups, because I use these
functions in Excel and Word, both 2003 versions. I'm also posting to a
SharePoint group because my function has an issue with SharePoint
(MOSS 2007).

Function DirectoryExists(ByVal PathName As String) As Boolean
'Macro Purpose: Function returns TRUE if the specified
' folder exists, false if not.

Dim objFSO As Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'determine if it exists
DirectoryExists = objFSO.FolderExists(PathName)

'close everything up
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

My question: why does this function return false on an existing
SharePoint directory? For example:
Debug.Print DirectoryExists("http://teamsites/sites/lolcats/foo/bar/")

I have not yet tested, but I have a similar function that creates a
directory (after I have checked that it doesn't exist), and I expect
it will fail too. Is there something special about SharePoint that
causes the FileSystemObject not to behave as expected?

Barb Reinhardt

I bet it would work if you mapped the "directory" to a drive. Have you tried

Amedee Van Gasse

I bet it would work if you mapped the "directory" to a drive.  Have youtried

I cannot map a Sharepoint folder to a drive. I tried: RMB on My
Computer, map network drive, enter the url http://teamsites/sites/lolcats/foo/bar
but then I cannot click on the OK button.
When I enter it in UNC notation, replace http:// with \\, I cannot
browse to the folder.

By the way, "If this post was helpful to you, please click YES below."
--> I don't understand. I am using the Google HTTP interface for the
Usenet NNTP groups. Am I missing something here?
Your answer *is* helpful. It doesn't solve my problem but it may push
me in the right direction.

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