Fill choices in combo box from a directory of documents



I have the following code:

Private Sub Command0_Click()

Dim strDirPath As String
Dim strOutDocName As String
Dim strDir As String
Dim strDirEntry As String

' strDirPath is a Function that Gets the path to the Microsoft Word Directory

strDirPath = DirToPath("word\", False)
strDir = strDirPath & "*.doc"

strDirEntry = Dir(strDir)

Do While strDirEntry <> ""
MsgBox strDirEntry
strDirEntry = Dir

End Sub

When I click on a button in my form , the code above runs and message boxes
pop up printing out each document in the Word directory. I would like to
populate the choices in a combo box on the form with each of these documents,
so I can click on the document thayt I want to print.

How can I populate the combo box with the list of documents instead of
displaying them with the Msgbox command?


Damon Heron

check out help for combobox.additems....
Here is a function to add items to a combobox set to value list:

Function AddItemToBeginning(ctrlComboBox As ComboBox, _
ByVal strItem As String)

ctrlComboBox.AddItem Item:=strItem, Index:=0

End FunctionDamon

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