Fill Color related to % complete



I have identified start/finish dates for various tasks, each on seperate
rows, e.g. 2, 4, 6,8, and 10. Column A is the task name. Column B cell
contains percent complete, e.g. .25, .80, 1.00. Example: I want C2 to be
partially/completely shaded, depending upon the number entered in B2. Is this
possible with conditional formatting? If so, please explain.


AT what point do you want the cell to get darker ie every 25% or every 10%


Ideally no set increment, just mimic whatever % is entered in the data as
would occur if I created a chart with the numeric data. But, if need be, I
can live with 10% increments. Thanks for hanging in with me.


I was thinking about doign conditional formatting now you probably need A
MAcro or maybe some VBA code I dotn have Excel 2003 how many conditions can
you do with it in the conditional formatting area??

Gord Dibben

You cannot color part of a cell using CF.

All or nothing.

You would need VBA to draw a colored rectangle that fit only part of the
cell depending upon percent complete.

Rather fiddly and prone to mucking up if users change row heights or column

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I have identified start/finish dates for various tasks, each on seperate
rows, e.g. 2, 4, 6,8, and 10. Column A is the task name. Column B cell
contains percent complete, e.g. .25, .80, 1.00. Example: I want C2 to be
partially/completely shaded, depending upon the number entered in B2. Is this
possible with conditional formatting? If so, please explain.

Try this:

C2 = REPT("â–ˆ";B2)

and choose an appropriate font color . - Does it help?

Have fun


I have identified start/finish dates for various tasks, each on seperate
rows, e.g. 2, 4, 6,8, and 10. Column A is the task name. Column B cell
contains percent complete, e.g. .25, .80, 1.00. Example: I want C2 to be
partially/completely shaded, depending upon the number entered in B2. Is this
possible with conditional formatting? If so, please explain.

Try this:

C2 = REPT("â–ˆ";B2)

and choose an appropriate font color . - Does it help?

Have fun


Michael.Tarnowski said:
Try this:

C2 = REPT("â–ˆ";B2)

and choose an appropriate font color . - Does it help?

Have fun

Actually, something similar to this could work pretty well:


With the "0.78" adjusted for your font size settings. "0.78" was pretty good
for 10pt Arial.

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