Fill down not working in Excel 2007



Hi All,

I have a worksheet with a data table (from an ODBC source) which I want to
calculate values based on the ODBC query results, the problem is the fill
down stops at row 48 everytime regardless if there are more than 48 rows if
there are less the last filed shows a calucaltion error its really

In XP & 2003 there used to be a flag on the data properties to "Fill down
formulas in adjacent cells" which I can't find in 2007. why is the fill down
simply stopping next to an ODBC refreshed table.

Also in Excel 2003 (& previous version's) when pulling data into a worksheet
you had the option to not display the original field name that existed in the
ODBC you could simply populate the field with the required value, how do you
do this now - my ODBC's are forcing me to use the column headers from the
original data source & I don't want that.

Love Excel 2007 but these two simple functions seem to have vanished
-Microsoft giveth Microsoft taketh away! :-(

Any pointers would be great.


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