Fill Page with Single Column


ND Campbell

I have an Excel worksheet with two columns and many, many rows. I want to
print the data and get less sheets of paper. So I want the columns to fill in
the paper like so that it prints down to the bottom of the page, wraps up to
the top, fills another section on the page, wraps up, and so on until the
page is filled both vertically and horizontally. Then start a new page. Kind
of like the ability to make three or four columns on a page in Word. Is this
making sense?

1A 1B 66A 66B 131A 131B
2A 2B 67A 67B 132A 133B
3A 3C 68A 68B 134A 134B
4A 4C 69A 69B 135A 135B
.... ... ...

Gord Dibben

Your subject line reads "single column" but your description reads "two

I will go with the two columns. This macro will snake two columns into 8 in
sets of 50 rows.

Sub Move_Sets()
Dim iSource As Long
Dim iTarget As Long

iSource = 1
iTarget = 1

Cells(iSource, "A").Resize(50, 2).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, "A")
Cells(iSource + 50, "A").Resize(50, 2).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, "C")
Cells(iSource + 100, "A").Resize(50, 2).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, "E")
Cells(iSource + 150, "A").Resize(50, 2).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, "G")
iSource = iSource + 200
iTarget = iTarget + 51
Loop Until IsEmpty(Cells(iSource, "A").Value)

End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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