Surprisingly enough, Redmond, in their infinite wisdom, has chosen not to
include the alphabet of the countries within the Custom Lists.
You have to "roll your own".
Enter the alphabet in a column, and then select the column.
<Tools> <Options> <CustomLists> tab,
The "Import List From Cells" box should already contain the range you
selected containing your alphabet.
Simply click on "Import", then <OK>,
And you now have the alphabet (both upper & lower case, irrespective of
which one you entered), included in the lists, together with the days of the
week and the months.
However, you included in your question "AA", "AB".
If you really want this, then you'll have to enter the entire list, as you
wish it to auto increment, into a column and re-import it to the Custom List
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
Is there a way of getting Excel to fill a series of letters, so that a given
cell value of A would increase in succeeding cells to B, C,.....Y, Z, AA,
AB... ?