Fill up a Table from a panel




Ill explain the problem quickly with an example.
Ive got this table:

January1999 February1999 Etc...
day 1 value value
day 2 value value
day 3 value value
day 4 value value
day 5 value value
Etc... value value

The table is very very large and inputing values in it by scrollong
through it is very irritating, so i want to design a little module that
would allow me to either (1) input, or (2) call a value in a given x,y
point of the table.

The 1st problem reduces itself to finding a way to Input the value you
put in a cell you designate as your input box into a specific cell with
reference (Column#, Row#) in the table.
The 2nd problem is analogous but, I imagine, much simpler. Youd need to
specify a reference (Column#, Row#) in the table and recieve the value
contained in that reference cell.

If anyone has the knowledge to deal with this problem, Id appreciate
help very much! Either reply here, send me an email to
(e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed), or both.


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