filling in rate field



I did what was recommended below but am having an issue.

How do I incorporate the delivydname(tried adding it as a primary key and
get no records on the query)
I believe this should be Client specific. I am having an issues with having
the same yard numbers for different del yard NAMES


Prairie Material’s yard # 15(Delivydnum) is Addison(delivydName)

Ozinga Concrete’s yard #15(Delivydnum) is Hampshire(Delivydname).

See prior posting

I have a table that has a delivery yard, pickup yard, and type of
material(2choices). Based on that combination of what is in those three
fields there is a given RATE. On the form based on this table I would like
the rate to automatically fill based on the combination of the 3 fields
chosen. Seems like it should be easy not sure where I go with this.


I'd suggest creating a Rates table with four fields - these three as a
joint Primary Key and the corresponding rate. You can then create a
Query joining your current table to this rate table by the three
fields (two yards and a type) to look up the rate.

John W. Vinson[MVP]



If I understand - the 4th value depends on the first 3.

So you either have a complete matrix of every combo possible........which
may be feasible if the overall total isn't too great to data entry....

Or possibly you assign a value to some of the first 3 entries.....and then
let the 4th value be calculated on the fly from a query... This is more
efficient if there are lots of specific entries but they share an equal value
in terms of calculating the rate. i.e. there are 100 Towns in a Region but
the rate of delivery is based on the Region so you can assign all 100 a
"value" of x - - rather than matrix all of them out....

Not sure on your approach to this rate calculation.....

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