Filling In Word 2000 Form Fields Using .NET...



Does anyone have any sample code concerning how to fill in form fields
in a Word 2000 document using .NET?

Howard Kaikow

the issue is the version of Word, not the version of the document.
which word version are you using and which version of .net and which .net
language are you using?


I am using the following:

Word 2000
..NET 1.1 (Visual Studio 2003)

I actually figured out how to modify the form fields using .NET code
shortly after posting the original question.

The new wrinkle is that after I execute the following statements at the
end of the code:

wordApplication.Quit(...); // wordApplication is of type
wordApplication = null;

The process WINWORD.exe (occasionally, and more often than not) stays
resident in memory and consumes 100% of the processor. The only way I
can recover from this is to manually kill the process through Task
Manager. I am not sure what is causing this.

Howard Kaikow

I am using the following:

Word 2000
.NET 1.1 (Visual Studio 2003)

I actually figured out how to modify the form fields using .NET code
shortly after posting the original question.

The new wrinkle is that after I execute the following statements at the
end of the code:

wordApplication.Quit(...); // wordApplication is of type
wordApplication = null;

The process WINWORD.exe (occasionally, and more often than not) stays
resident in memory and consumes 100% of the processor. The only way I
can recover from this is to manually kill the process through Task
Manager. I am not sure what is causing this.

Although it is possible to use .NET code with Office 97 and later, only
Office 2003 and Office XP have official PIAs from MSFT.

Since you are using C#, you should get a copy of AndrewWhitehall's book on
C# with Office.

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