Thanks, Mary,
I took a look at the three articles, but I'm still confused. I am
really 'at sea' with regard to this.
Adobe will allow me to download a printer driver for Windows, but the
driver needs a PDD file peculiar to the output printer. My problem is that I
have no idea what the printer will be, that will depend on whom I can find to
make my film output. I was hoping for some sort of 'generic' driver that
could print to a PostScript or other file to be read by almost any image
setter out there.
It would appear that I can create a PostScript output, but when I try
to pull it into Adobe Illustrator, for instance, I get the error message that
Illustrator cannot 'parse' the PostScript file. Thus nothing appears on the
screen. I don't know Illustrator well enough to know what this means. (I
bought a used copy of Illustrator to try to replace Publisher, but it's just
too different and can't do some of the things I need as easily as Publisher
The other option is to print to a PDF from Publisher. I'm not using an
Adobe PDF creator, but another (much less expensive!) program from the UK
that seems to work really well. I can create the PDF, then use Adobe Reader
to open it. The conversion appears flawless, even blown up to 1000%. But
finding a service bureau that can work from a PDF seems as difficult as
finding one that can work from Publisher's PNG.
Any words of wisdom you might lend would be much appreciated. I hate
to think of having to purchase and learn another program, but if Publisher
continues to be the underdog of this genre, I may have to. Your comments are
very welcome.
Thanks again,
Jim Wood