When setting up a Filter and Using the Advanced - Field function, is it
possible to effectively use the "OR" operator rather than the apparent "AND"
default. For example, I want to see only To Do's that are due today OR have
priority = high. There are a billion fields to choose from but apparently
only AND not OR. There is a "more advanced" button but it is grayed out
and unavailable. I tried to use the SQL screen and change "AND" to "OR" but
that does not work, either. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
possible to effectively use the "OR" operator rather than the apparent "AND"
default. For example, I want to see only To Do's that are due today OR have
priority = high. There are a billion fields to choose from but apparently
only AND not OR. There is a "more advanced" button but it is grayed out
and unavailable. I tried to use the SQL screen and change "AND" to "OR" but
that does not work, either. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.