Filter based on results of a parameter query



I have a database of our technical library holdings that includes a table of
books--title, author, etc.--and a table of keywords connected by the common
key "Book ID". These come together in a parameter query in which the
parameter value is "keyword". The "keywords" field usually includes several
keywords, separated by commas. If I just run the query as is, I get a
report, but the records include only those books with keyword fields
containing that one keyword and no others; I don't get the other books where
that keyword is one of several. For example, if I answer the parameter query
with the word "pavement", my report shows four books; there are fifteen books
that contain the word pavement in the keyword field.
I think I need a filter that will select those records that contain the
keyword. I know nothing about filters--only that "help" doesn't cover my
situation. I should be able to filter either in the query, in another new
query, in a form (add to the loop), or in the report. But how?
I think I'm using Access 2003, but my database was created in Access 2000.
I'm also learning Access via OJT, so I may ask stupid or obscure questions.
Please be kind to a novice.


Edit your parameter to look like this --
Like "*" & [WhatYouNowHave] & "*"

[WhatYouNowHave] probably looks like [Forms]![SomeFormName]![TextBoxName]

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