Filter by special field



Hi project managers,

one question, because I have never done this,
I have projects planned and resources and tasks setup.
MS P Professional 2003.

Now, we have a budget for deliverables which not necessarily is a one
to one
mapping. Because the projects can be split into several phases.
Project 1
Deliverable 1
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Deliverable 2 Module 1
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Project 2
Deliverable 2 Module 2
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Now I have to report the resources and the forecasting of their work
based on these budget codes.
So I have to tell controlling, according to my plan, resource x will
spend 50% of her time
on budget code AAAA.
Now, having planned all of this, I thought I enter a custom column
which indicates which budget code is used for each task.
Project 1
Deliverable 1 Code AAAAA
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Deliverable 2 Module 1 Code BBBB
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Project 2
Deliverable 2 Module 2 Code BBBB
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Support work Code CCCC
Other misc work Code DDDD
Be nice to PM Code CCCC

Then I would run a filter (if this is possible, I don't know), say,
show me all resources for the time period
with there person days planned in this time frame or with the % of
their work allocated.
a) is this possible?
b) does my approach make sense?



Kay said:
Hi project managers,

one question, because I have never done this,
I have projects planned and resources and tasks setup.
MS P Professional 2003.

Now, we have a budget for deliverables which not necessarily is a one
to one
mapping. Because the projects can be split into several phases.
Project 1
Deliverable 1
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Deliverable 2 Module 1
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Project 2
Deliverable 2 Module 2
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Now I have to report the resources and the forecasting of their work
based on these budget codes.
So I have to tell controlling, according to my plan, resource x will
spend 50% of her time
on budget code AAAA.
Now, having planned all of this, I thought I enter a custom column
which indicates which budget code is used for each task.
Project 1
Deliverable 1 Code AAAAA
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Deliverable 2 Module 1 Code BBBB
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Project 2
Deliverable 2 Module 2 Code BBBB
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Support work Code CCCC
Other misc work Code DDDD
Be nice to PM Code CCCC

Then I would run a filter (if this is possible, I don't know), say,
show me all resources for the time period
with there person days planned in this time frame or with the % of
their work allocated.
a) is this possible?
b) does my approach make sense?


The basic answer is, yes. Getting what you want, or perhaps what you
think you want, may or may not be straightforward.

First let me direct you to our MVP website at, Take a look at FAQ 51 - Data
Types: Task, Resource and Assignment. What you show in your post are
task objects and I assume the cost codes are applied to a spare task
field. However, if I understand you correctly, what you want is a report
showing resources and their assignments.

It should be relatively easy for you to translate the cost codes shown
in a spare task field to the associated spare assignment field - either
manually or via a simple macro as detailed in FAQ 37. Then you can use
the Resource Usage view, apply a combined Date Range and cost code
filter and probably get pretty close to what you need.

If that doesn't work, tell us why and we'll go from there.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP


I thought it should be much easier.
The basic answer is, yes. Getting what you want, or perhaps what you
think you want, may or may not be straightforward.

What I want is phrased simply like this:
I want to know how much % of his time a resource works in the given
time frame on a
budget code.

First let me direct you to our MVP website at, Take a look at FAQ 51 - Data
Types: Task, Resource and Assignment. What you show in your post are
task objects and I assume the cost codes are applied to a spare task
field. However, if I understand you correctly, what you want is a report
showing resources and their assignments.

Not sure if I understand exactly what it means on this webpage.
What is a spare task field?
You mean a column in my plan which is a column, maybe named Text 1
where i enter
the budget codes?
Since english is not my native language I am not sure what an
assignment is.
For me, an assignment is basically a person(resource) assigned to do a
What I want is a report telling me in time frame 1.1.2008-31.1.2008
(or any other)
resource x worked x% on budget code AAAAA
It should be relatively easy for you to translate the cost codes shown
in a spare task field to the associated spare assignment field - either
So now it's getting confusing.
If I enter the budget codes in a spare task field, I understand that.
But then do I have to enter it into a spare assignment field? And
is this assignment field? So far I have used task views and resource
and usage
views, but hardly assignment views.
manually or via a simple macro as detailed in FAQ 37. Then you can use
the Resource Usage view, apply a combined Date Range and cost code
filter and probably get pretty close to what you need.
I never ever used macros in any of the microsoft products.
If that doesn't work, tell us why and we'll go from there.


Kay said:
I thought it should be much easier.

What I want is phrased simply like this:
I want to know how much % of his time a resource works in the given
time frame on a
budget code.

Not sure if I understand exactly what it means on this webpage.
What is a spare task field?
You mean a column in my plan which is a column, maybe named Text 1
where i enter
the budget codes?
Since english is not my native language I am not sure what an
assignment is.
For me, an assignment is basically a person(resource) assigned to do a
What I want is a report telling me in time frame 1.1.2008-31.1.2008
(or any other)
resource x worked x% on budget code AAAAA

So now it's getting confusing.
If I enter the budget codes in a spare task field, I understand that.
But then do I have to enter it into a spare assignment field? And
is this assignment field? So far I have used task views and resource
and usage
views, but hardly assignment views.

I never ever used macros in any of the microsoft products.


Boy, I thought the FAQ would help you understand Project's structure. I
guess not so let me try to be more explicit.

The basic problem is that your cost codes are entered into a spare task
field (e.g. Text1). However, the information you want is assignment
information and most often more than one resource is assigned to a given
task. Therefore you must relate the cost codes for each task to each
assignment for the task. I know, you are probably more confused than
ever, so I'll give your a set of steps to follow.

1. Open the Task Usage view
2. Add Text1 as a column in the view. You will see your cost codes on
each task line (lines with an ID number). Lines without an ID number are
the assignment rows and they will have the resource name.
3. Do a fill down for each cost code in the Text1 field. This is the
easiest way to quickly translate cost code info from task Text1 to
Assignment Text1
4. Go to Project/Group By/Customize Group By
5. Check the box to group assignments, not tasks
6. Enter Resource Names as the first field name criteria
7. Change the Field Type to "Assignment"
8. Enter Text1 as the second field name criteria
9. Change the Field Type to "Assignment"
10. Hit OK. You will now see each cost code grouped under each resource.
Note: you can reverse the grouping is you would rather see resources
grouped under each cost code.
11. Double click in any cell under the Details column of the timescaled
data. In the left selection area of the Detail Styles pop up find the
Percent Allocation field and select it
12. Hit the "Show" button and then "OK". That will add the Percent
Allocation timescaled data field to the right side of the Task Usage
13. To get a specific time frame, apply the Date Range filter.

Hopefully this will get you close enough to what you want.

Project MVP


I would assign the budget code to the lowest level Tasks (your phases)
rather than, or perhaps as well as, to the summaries.
That then means that you can sort, filter and group Tasks on that field, or
you can use it in a formula in another field.
But that all applies to the Tasks, not the Assignments.
This is what I actually had in mind.
So I will try and play around with it


thanks so much.
You are great help¨
1. Open the Task Usage view
2. Add Text1 as a column in the view. You will see your cost codes on
each task line (lines with an ID number). Lines without an ID number are
the assignment rows and they will have the resource name.
3. Do a fill down for each cost code in the Text1 field. This is the
easiest way to quickly translate cost code info from task Text1 to
Assignment Text1

so far, done
4. Go to Project/Group By/Customize Group By ok

5. Check the box to group assignments, not tasks
6. Enter Resource Names as the first field name criteria
7. Change the Field Type to "Assignment"
done all
8. Enter Text1 as the second field name criteria
9. Change the Field Type to "Assignment"
done all
10. Hit OK. You will now see each cost code grouped under each resource.
Note: you can reverse the grouping is you would rather see resources
grouped under each cost code.
What I get is
Resource Names: Resource A
Text 1: No Value
Resource A
Resource A
Resource A
Resource Names: Resource B
Text 1: No Value
Resource A
Resource A
Resource A

So I did something wrong.
In my Customize Group By I have
Group by: Fieldname is Resource Names, Field Type Assignment
Then By: Fieldname is Text1, Field Type Assignment
And group assignments, not tasks is clicked

I wonder why it shows Text1 as No Value
11. Double click in any cell under the Details column of the timescaled
data. In the left selection area of the Detail Styles pop up find the
Percent Allocation field and select it
12. Hit the "Show" button and then "OK". That will add the Percent
Allocation timescaled data field to the right side of the Task Usage
done and I see what it does
13. To get a specific time frame, apply the Date Range filter.

Super description.
Except that it does not show the budget code it looks good to me.
I would love in addition to this, that it simply shows me the
percentage of one resource
for one budget code.
At the moment I get the overall workdays shown , the duration, start
and finish, text 1 is empty (weird)
Thanks, I just learnt a lot.

Hopefully this will get you close enough to what you want.
It does, although not entirely because of the problem mentioned above.
You are great help.


Kay said:
thanks so much.
You are great help¨

so far, done

done all

done all

What I get is
Resource Names: Resource A
Text 1: No Value
Resource A
Resource A
Resource A
Resource Names: Resource B
Text 1: No Value
Resource A
Resource A
Resource A

So I did something wrong.
In my Customize Group By I have
Group by: Fieldname is Resource Names, Field Type Assignment
Then By: Fieldname is Text1, Field Type Assignment
And group assignments, not tasks is clicked

I wonder why it shows Text1 as No Value

done and I see what it does

Super description.
Except that it does not show the budget code it looks good to me.
I would love in addition to this, that it simply shows me the
percentage of one resource
for one budget code.
At the moment I get the overall workdays shown , the duration, start
and finish, text 1 is empty (weird)
Thanks, I just learnt a lot.

It does, although not entirely because of the problem mentioned above.
You are great help.

The fact that in your grouping the Text1 field shows no value indicates
that step 3 was not done completely or correctly. In other words, the
cost code is not being set for all rows in the Task Usage view. This
could happen if a filter was applied when you did the fill down. Make
sure the filter is for "all tasks" before you do the fill down.

Once text1 is populated for all task and assignment rows in the Task
Usage view, then it will work properly.

To get one resource for one budget code for a specific time period,
modify the Date Range filter to include the resource ID and the budget
code (i.e. text1) value. Specifically, add the following to the existing
Date Range filter.
And/Or Field Name Text Value
[existing date range criteria]
And Text1 equals "Enter budget code"?
And Resource Names equals 'Enter Resource name"?

Project MVP
Project MVP


Kay said:
thanks so much.
You are great help¨

so far, done

done all

done all

What I get is
Resource Names: Resource A
Text 1: No Value
Resource A
Resource A
Resource A
Resource Names: Resource B
Text 1: No Value
Resource A
Resource A
Resource A

So I did something wrong.
In my Customize Group By I have
Group by: Fieldname is Resource Names, Field Type Assignment
Then By: Fieldname is Text1, Field Type Assignment
And group assignments, not tasks is clicked

I wonder why it shows Text1 as No Value

done and I see what it does

Super description.
Except that it does not show the budget code it looks good to me.
I would love in addition to this, that it simply shows me the
percentage of one resource
for one budget code.
At the moment I get the overall workdays shown , the duration, start
and finish, text 1 is empty (weird)
Thanks, I just learnt a lot.

It does, although not entirely because of the problem mentioned above.
You are great help.

One more thing, make sure the Task Usage view is fully expanded before
you do the fill down.

Project MVP


Hi John,
The fact that in your grouping the Text1 field shows no value indicates
that step 3 was not done completely or correctly. In other words, the
I have entered it into every task, summary, milestones everywhere
in gantt view as well as in every task with as well as in task usage
view on each entry which has an id.

cost code is not being set for all rows in the Task Usage view. This
could happen if a filter was applied when you did the fill down. Make
sure the filter is for "all tasks" before you do the fill down.
Filter tells me all tasks
Once text1 is populated for all task and assignment rows in the Task
Usage view, then it will work properly.

Hm, not for me.
Stupid. I wil try more
To get one resource for one budget code for a specific time period,
modify the Date Range filter to include the resource ID and the budget
code (i.e. text1) value. Specifically, add the following to the existing
Date Range filter.

In which view?
And/Or   Field Name        Text     Value
[existing date range criteria]
And      Text1             equals   "Enter budget code"?
And      Resource Names    equals   'Enter Resource name"?
I have no clue how to do it.
When I go on filter I choose Date range and I can only choose start
and end date



The fact that in your grouping the Text1 field shows no value indicates
that step 3 was not done completely or correctly. In other words, the
cost code is not being set for all rows in the Task Usage view. This
could happen if a filter was applied when you did the fill down. Make
sure the filter is for "all tasks" before you do the fill down.

Does it mean also the rows with the resource names, so the ones
without ID?
Once text1 is populated for all task and assignment rows in the Task
Usage view, then it will work properly.
I will try


until here it now works.
11. Double click in any cell under the Details column of the timescaled
data. In the left selection area of the Detail Styles pop up find the
Percent Allocation field and select it
12. Hit the "Show" button and then "OK". That will add the Percent
Allocation timescaled data field to the right side of the Task Usage
Did this.
it adds a line below the work saying
% Alloc.
But there are no values
in two cases there are, but all others are empty.
And it does not sum up the %.

13. To get a specific time frame, apply the Date Range filter.

Hopefully this will get you close enough to what you want.

Very, only the percentage is missing


Kay said:
Does it mean also the rows with the resource names, so the ones
without ID?

I will try


Whoa, it's been way too long between posts - for the most part I've
forgotten what you were trying to do. Tell you what, if you can send me
your file with a very detailed explanation of what you want to do, I'll
take a look at it when I get some time. If the file contains sensitive
information such that you are reluctant to send it, I can provide a
macro that will de-sensitize it.

If you do send the file, please also provide the following information.
When I help someone directly, I like to know who I'm helping.
1. What company do you work for?
2. What is their main product or service?
3. What do you do at the company?
4. Where are you located?
5. What version of Project are you using?

Project MVP
(remove obvious redundancies)

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