Filter cbo once record is added


Andy Roberts

I have 3 tables (tblProgress, tblStreet and tblHouses)

tblProgress is to store each worker's daily progress. tblStreet and
tblHouses stores the street and the individual houses on each street.

Each day the worker returns to the office, eneters his name, and date and
picks the street he has been working on from a cbo. This all happens on a
main form. Within the main form is a subform which is where the worker logs
the information received about each house (the information such as name and
date remain constant for each record hence the subform).

I have it set up so that the house cbo box on the subform is filtered by the
street chosen in the main form (thanks to Al Campagna for this), so the
houses available in the housecbo are dependane on the street selected - This
all works great.

My problem is that if I select a house and then add all the details about
that house and eneter all that as a record, the form then needs a second
house selecting in order to enter the details for that house - but the first
house is still in the list. I want it, once entered tonot be available in
the cbo box. That way the worker knows when all the houses on that street
have been entered.


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