Filter Combo box by another combo box


Bob 4

I'm having a problem with query syntax for filtering a set of combo boxes. I
have subform in tab control in a main form. The subform has 3 combo boxes:
VendorType, VendorID, VendorContactID.

I'm having problems filtering the VendorID by VendorType. I've been able to
do it on other forms, but this main form, tab control, subform combination is
throwing me for a loop.

What is the proper syntax for the Row Source?




forget about the tab control; it has nothing to do with control references
in a form. try the following reference for the criteria in the VendorID
combo box control's RowSource, as


replace MainFormName with the correct name of the main form, and replace
SubformControlName with the correct name of the subform control the
"contains" the subform. also, the above reference goes all on one line in
the criteria section of the "query design grid", regardless of any line-wrap
imposed here by the newsreader.


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