Filter Combo Box in subform by data in parent form



I have a question similar to this one:

I have followed the code and it works for the first item I select in the
parent table, but not when I try to change to the second item.

Forms and fields are:


uses table tblPODInfo

I need to filter the autPOD_ID in the subform by which operator is selected
in the main form with autOperatorID

Here is the statement I'm using.
SELECT tblPODInfo.autOperatorID, tblPODInfo.autPOD_ID,
tblPODInfo.txtPOD_Name FROM tblPODInfo WHERE

How can I change it to allow the operator to be changed in the main form and
update the query in the combo box in the subform?

Thanks in advance!

I need to


Sorry, but I searched for a couple hours before posting the question. I tried
searching in various ways, using various search words, and didn't find the
answer. If I hadn't searched before posting, how would I have found the first
post. Sorry, but your seems a little rude. If I offended anyone by posting a
question on a help forum, I am truly sorry... Typically, I search for a
previous post, then if I can't find an answer, I post my own question, but
continue searching, as I have had posts unanswered. I do appreciate what you
all do, and all the help that we receive.

John W. Vinson

Sorry, but I searched for a couple hours before posting the question. I tried
searching in various ways, using various search words, and didn't find the
answer. If I hadn't searched before posting, how would I have found the first
post. Sorry, but your seems a little rude. If I offended anyone by posting a
question on a help forum, I am truly sorry... Typically, I search for a
previous post, then if I can't find an answer, I post my own question, but
continue searching, as I have had posts unanswered. I do appreciate what you
all do, and all the help that we receive.

My apologies. You're quite correct. Hope your database is now working, and
that you have a great New Year.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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