faapa via AccessMonster.com
hi can someone help! pleease! i've created a filter for a date and a text box
that contains the phrase "no performance target" however i keep getting an
error saying 'data mismatch' 'syntax error' how can i fix this?
If Me.ch_exercised = -1 And Me.ch_pt = -1 Then
Let Me.Controls("frm_options_issued_list").Form.FILTER = "((DATE_EXERCISED =
Is Not Null))" And ((PT_NAME = "no performance target"))
Me.Controls("frm_options_issued_list").Form.FilterOn = True
that contains the phrase "no performance target" however i keep getting an
error saying 'data mismatch' 'syntax error' how can i fix this?
If Me.ch_exercised = -1 And Me.ch_pt = -1 Then
Let Me.Controls("frm_options_issued_list").Form.FILTER = "((DATE_EXERCISED =
Is Not Null))" And ((PT_NAME = "no performance target"))
Me.Controls("frm_options_issued_list").Form.FilterOn = True