I have a main sheet with a list of 51 unique names in Column B and then lots of data in other columns across the sheet.
I have other sheets in the same same workbook to produce reports and graphs.
The problem I am having is when I auto filter a name in the main sheet I want to have that filtered row appear in one of the other sheets for produce graphs etc
Example (in the real sheet there are 70 columns of data!)
name hours worked special etc etc
Jones 10 15 5 4 out
Smith 15 15 0 2 in
Lewis 20 21 1 3 out
I would to filter out "Lewis" and the row of data appear in another worksheet.
I have other sheets in the same same workbook to produce reports and graphs.
The problem I am having is when I auto filter a name in the main sheet I want to have that filtered row appear in one of the other sheets for produce graphs etc
Example (in the real sheet there are 70 columns of data!)
name hours worked special etc etc
Jones 10 15 5 4 out
Smith 15 15 0 2 in
Lewis 20 21 1 3 out
I would to filter out "Lewis" and the row of data appear in another worksheet.