Filter Issue



Hey All,
This one is weird. I have a disconnected ADO recordset.
I can filter on the first column no problem.
gRSet.Filter = "ID= '" & UCase(txt1.Value) & "'"

But if I change it to this I get an error saying Arguments are of the wrong
gRSet.Filter = "DOOR STYLE = '" & UCase(txt2.Value) & "'"

Both underlying values are of string type and my arguments are of string
type. The only difference is that DOOR STYLE is the second column in the

Here is my recordset settings....
With rs
.ActiveConnection = conn
.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenStatic ' adOpenForwardOnly
.Open "select * from " + Table
.ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With


Duuuuuuu - Forgot the brackets!

gRSet.Filter = "[DOOR STYLE] = '" & UCase(txt2.Value) & "'"

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