Filter List Items


Gonzalo Osorio


I have an infopath form that querys items from a SharePoint list. What I
need to do is to filter the list items, so the drop down list box that
querys the sharepoint list don't display all the items of the list.

The form is published to a SharePoint Site, so I don´t know if this can be
done programatically or due Infopath configuration.

Gonzalo Osorio

Greg Collins

Sounds like you are using a web form... these do not support filtering in
many cases. You could use code to copy a filtered set of values elsewhere
and then use that set of filtered values to populate your drop-down... but
that can be messy. Perhaps (I haven't tried this) you can create a new view
of the list and use that for the drop-down values? It might require you
making that new filtered view the default view. But then, this is a static
(not dynamic) filter and might not be suitable to your needs.

Just some ideas.

Gonzalo Osorio

Thanks. Should I create the new view on the sharepoint list or in the
Infopath form??

Simon Todd

You could always create multiple lists in sharepoint and you could then have
a drop down list for the filter which would then Unhide the drop down list
you require, I have done it the following way

Drop Down list for specific Teams
Sharepoint lists created for each team
Conditional formatting & Rule used for drop down lists for team members that
unhide based on the Team selected in the Drop Down list

So In Effect I have 6 Lists on Sharepoint for all the team members of each
seperate team

When I choose that Team in the 1st drop down list say for example Team 1, it
will Unhide the drop down list option only for Team 1 which has a data
connection to the Sharepoint List for Team 1

This is the only way I could get the form to do what I wanted it to do and
it works perfectly, all the other team dropdown lists are hidden unless the
conditional formatting rule is met, and because only one team can be selected
this means only one list of items is displayed at any one time

Gonzalo Osorio

Thanks a lot, you give me a clue on how to solve my problem.

I need to filter the list items based on the status of the item. When the
status i need is true, a Workflow can copy this item to other list, and that
list is the one I can use for the filter.

Gonzalo Osorio

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