Filter on an open form


Frank Situmorang

I used a command button to open a Form intended for browsing the invoice
status as follows:
Main form:
Supplier Name: ABCD
Contact persons: PQRS
Inv. No. Amount Balance Paid OUtstanding Pay. Ref
xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx

In the main form (continuous form) I want to create 3 command buttons for
filtering in the subform
1, OUtstanding Only
2. Paid
3. show All

Please help me how can I make it, just hitting the command button in the
main form, it will automatically works in the subform.
FYI, filter by form does work in the main form to filter only a supplier

Thanks in advance,



In the northwind database there is a form for customer contact information
that uses toggle buttons. That may help.

Frank Situmorang

Hi Scubadiver,

Yes, the sample similar to what I need in the form, but I can not understand
yet, how the option value relates to the company name field. My target is to
know only 3 options/toggle which formula is:
1. For outstanding only, InvBalance <>0
2. The settled one is , InvBalance=0
3. To show all is, InvBalance = All, anyway I do not know yet what should I
put here.

Thanks in advance.


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