Filter posts for OneNote 2003 SP1



This bulletin board is getting pretty big. there is also a lot of older
material that refers to features and questions that are relevant to older
versions of OneNote. Would it be possible to create a subset of posts that
are relevant to people who have the 2003 SP1 version?

Also, if possible, could we break out the posts into some sort of categories
to reduce the scope a bit?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

This bulletin board is getting pretty big. there is also a lot of
older material that refers to features and questions that are relevant
to older versions of OneNote. Would it be possible to create a subset
of posts that are relevant to people who have the 2003 SP1 version?

Also, if possible, could we break out the posts into some sort of
categories to reduce the scope a bit?

Filtering will depend upon what NNTP software you're using -- I'm not sure
what, if any, capabilities the web interface has for filtering. Also it
would seem to depend quite a bit on the cooperation of the authors to
categorize their posts -- a hit or miss proposition to be sure.

We certainly DO encourage people to post the version of the software
they're working with in their question; perhaps your software supports
doing a text search on the body of the messages and filtering for SP1?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


I might not have explained my suggestion clearly. I was referring to the
actual management of the OneNote Community site itself. My request is that
whoever oversees the site figure out a way to split out pre-SP1 entries from
those regarding the current version, and that new categories be created for
ON posts.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I might not have explained my suggestion clearly. I was referring to
the actual management of the OneNote Community site itself. My
request is that whoever oversees the site figure out a way to split
out pre-SP1 entries from those regarding the current version, and that
new categories be created for ON posts.

Sure, I understand. It would be relatively easy to create a separate NG
for SP1 issues, though I think it would be unprecedented. I can't
recall ever seeing a separate NG for an SP-enhanced version of a product

It would be nearly impossible for them to separate pre-SP1 entries from
those regarding SP1 however because that would rely upon metadata
provided by the posters themselves; a notoriously unreliable method.

Even if they assigned a person to sit and read every post and then
manually separate them into separate groups it is not always easy to
tell (as you're observing) which posts deal with which version and
frankly that would be a somewhat wasteful use of manpower anyhow.

Ultimately this NG is not really all that busy on a day to day basis
(especially not compared to the Outlook NGs for example) for it to
require special dispensation.

I do encourage posters to make it clear in their post (even in the
subject line if possible) which version they are using which may make it
easier to tell the posts apart.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.

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