you should be able to filter one subform from another
subform. here's an example of one way i can think of:
we'll call the forms
Form1 (main form)
Form1A (first subform)
Form1B (second subform)
in Form1A's OnCurrent event, enter code
**air code**
Dim frmParent as Form
Set frmParent = Forms!Form1
frmParent!Form1B.Filter = "Form1BFieldName = " & frmParent!
(that works for a numeric value; if the value is text,
then use the next line instead)
frmParent!Form1B.Filter = "Form1BFieldName = '" &
frmParent!Form1A!Form1AControlName & "'"
frmParent!Form1B.FilterOn = True
**air code**
subform. here's an example of one way i can think of:
we'll call the forms
Form1 (main form)
Form1A (first subform)
Form1B (second subform)
in Form1A's OnCurrent event, enter code
**air code**
Dim frmParent as Form
Set frmParent = Forms!Form1
frmParent!Form1B.Filter = "Form1BFieldName = " & frmParent!
(that works for a numeric value; if the value is text,
then use the next line instead)
frmParent!Form1B.Filter = "Form1BFieldName = '" &
frmParent!Form1A!Form1AControlName & "'"
frmParent!Form1B.FilterOn = True
**air code**