Filter report problems...



Okay this code will work. However I need to add code so that it will
accept 3 more strings from 3 more fields txtStartDate, txtEndDate, and
txtNumber. Two of the fields need to be dates and filter on a field
called DateEntered. The other field needs to take the number entered
and filter for results >= than the CountofPolicy field.

Can somebody please help?

Also is there some way I can run the filter before running the report
instead of opening it?

Private Sub Apply_Filter1_Click()

Dim strRCName As String
Dim strDeptName As String
Dim strFilter As String
' Check that the report is open
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acReport, "rpt_Violations_by_RC_x
Violations") <> acObjStateOpen Then
MsgBox "You must open the report first."
Exit Sub
End If
' Build criteria string for RCName field
If IsNull(Me.CboRCName.Value) Then
strRCName = "Like '*'"
strRCName = "='" & Me.CboRCName.Value & "'"
End If
' Build criteria string for DeptName field
If IsNull(Me.cboDeptName.Value) Then
strDeptName = "Like '*'"
strDeptName = "='" & Me.cboDeptName.Value & "'"
End If
' Combine criteria strings into a WHERE clause for the filter
strFilter = "[RCName] " & strRCName & " AND [DeptName] " &
' Apply the filter and switch it on
With Reports![rpt_Violations_by_RC_x Violations]
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With

End Sub

Private Sub CboRCName_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me!CboRCName.Value = ""
Me!cboDeptName.Value = ""
End Sub

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