Filter Table in Subform Control according to TextBox control value



Hi all, I have put Subform control on a Form1 and in Source Object of
that Subform I selected Table1 from drop down list. I also got Text
box control on Form1. In the first column of the Table1 which
appearing in Subform I got Ticket No. What I need that when i type
that Ticket No in Text box control the Table1 in Subform should get
filter on that Ticket No row. Please can any friend can help

BruceM via

More information about the tables would help. I will use tblMain as the name
of the Record Source for Form1. Are tblMain and Table1 related? If so, on
what field? Typically you would set the Link Child and Link Master
properties of the subform control to the name of the linking field, so that
the subform shows only the records that are related to the main form's record.

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