Filter Unique Records



I have a spreadsheet with names and addresses. I have site # ,site name,
investigator, contact person etc. the investigator's name is listed many
times as there may be 3, 4 or more people at each site. I want.or example,
there may be an investigator named John Smith his name will appear in the
investigator column and also in the contact person column because he is the
main contact person. Then there may be 2-4 other contact people listed so in
the investigator column John Smith appears more than once.

Can I filter this sheet so that I only the rows where the contact person is
the investigator?

Thanks in advance for your help.




Hi, Dee,

auto filter, select the arrow on the investigator column, set John Smith and
done, if you do not see the rows where John appears on this column and on
another one, click on the arrow on the other column costum to different from
John Smith

Regards from Brazil

"Dee" escreveu:

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