Filter using Mid




I have been going around and aroung with this. I am trying to filter to the
6th digit of a string. My variables show the correct values when I step
through this yet it does not fall into the call. Here is my code:

Sub AddCAMLineItem()

Dim NuRow As Long
Dim ItemCol As String
Dim EndItemCol As String
Dim NuCostCode As String
Dim NuLineItem As String
Dim NuItemAmount As Long
Dim CodeType As String
Dim StartRow As Long
Dim Lusedrow As Long

StartRow = 4
NuLineItem = frmPoolList.txtNewPoolType.Value
NuItemAmount = Val(frmPoolList.txtLineItemAmount.Value)
NuCostCode = Left(frmPoolList.txtNewPoolType.Value, 9)
CodeType = Mid(NuCostCode, 6, 1)

If InStr("Tax", NuLineItem) Then
Call AddTaxItem(StartRow, Lusedrow, ItemCol, EndItemCol)
GoTo ContTax
If InStr("TAX", NuLineItem) Then
Call AddTaxItem(StartRow, Lusedrow, ItemCol, EndItemCol)
GoTo ContTax
End If
End If

Select Case CodeType
Case CodeType = "0"
Call AddCAMExteriorItem(StartRow, Lusedrow, ItemCol,
Case CodeType = "1"
Call AddCAMInteriorItem(StartRow, Lusedrow, ItemCol,
End Select


End Sub

Right now I am working with the Exterior Line Item. The NuCostCode is
"6128-0000" which in turn has a CodeType of "0" in the 6th digit. This value
shows in step through but the code does not drop into the Call
AddCAMExteriorItem statement. What am I missing?

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