Filtered List in Dropdown Box



I'm using Ac2K. Have a form with an Option Group
(Frame9) that contains two elements (A and E). The form
has a drop down list that references a table of approx 20
values, all of which begin with either "A" or "E". Based
on the choice made in the Option Group, I'd like the list
to show only the "A" items or the "E" items that the user
can choose to fill in the field. Also that action should
fill in the adjacent description field drawn from the
same 20 member list. Creating a select query is simple
emough, but I'm not being successful in the link from
option to drop down list. Can someone make a suggestion?


If you use an option group, you'll have to programmatically convert the
option group "value" to a letter (1="A", 2="B" etc) that can be used to
filter your combobox.
I'd suggest a listbox that displays the 5 letter choices... instead of an
option group. Use A;B;C;D;E as the value list. When a user selects a
letter it will be easy to filter the combobox (ex. combo2) accordingly.
Left(YourField,1) = [Listbox1]

Also, I'm inclined to question whether it's necessary to "pre-filter" a
combo that has only 20 choices... but that's your call... there's certainly
nothing "wrong" with it. It's a close call...
Al Camp

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