Filtered Records



I have a Table with three fields that are based on Day and Time of the

The fields are MenuID, StartDay, StartTime, EndTime.

The standard function of if the StartTime and the EndTime are on the
same day it works fine. The problem is if the EndTime is after Midnite.

I made this code, I was I on the right track, wrong track
or completely on the wrong track? Any help or insight I would appreciate.


SELECT MenuDetails.MenuID, MenuDetails.StartDay, MenuDetails.StartTime,
MenuDetails.EndDay, MenuDetails.EndTime
FROM MenuDetails
WHERE (((MenuDetails.StartDay)=Weekday(Now())) AND
((MenuDetails.StartTime)<=Time()) AND ((MenuDetails.EndTime)>=Time()))
OR (((MenuDetails.StartTime)<=Time()) AND


DS said:
I have a Table with three fields that are based on Day and Time of the

The fields are MenuID, StartDay, StartTime, EndTime.

The standard function of if the StartTime and the EndTime are on the
same day it works fine. The problem is if the EndTime is after Midnite.

I made this code, I was I on the right track, wrong track
or completely on the wrong track? Any help or insight I would appreciate.


SELECT MenuDetails.MenuID, MenuDetails.StartDay, MenuDetails.StartTime,
MenuDetails.EndDay, MenuDetails.EndTime
FROM MenuDetails
WHERE (((MenuDetails.StartDay)=Weekday(Now())) AND
((MenuDetails.StartTime)<=Time()) AND ((MenuDetails.EndTime)>=Time()))
OR (((MenuDetails.StartTime)<=Time()) AND
I came up with this. Is it any better!
SELECT MenuDetails.MenuID, MenuDetails.StartDay, MenuDetails.StartTime,
MenuDetails.AfterMidnite, MenuDetails.EndTime
FROM MenuDetails
WHERE (((MenuDetails.StartDay)=Weekday(Now())) AND
((MenuDetails.StartTime)<=Time()) AND ((MenuDetails.EndTime)>=Time()))
OR (((MenuDetails.StartDay)=Weekday(Now()-1)) AND
((MenuDetails.AfterMidnite)=-1) AND ((MenuDetails.EndTime)>=Time()));

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