Filtering a query




I will do my very best to explain what I'm trying to do, but Microsoft
Access isn't my first language so be kind!

I am creating a database for a technical library. I have created a query
which is linked to a form via a macro. My users have 3 combo boxes where they
can select what Ship And/Or System And/Or Document Type they wish to filter
the 160 000+ records I have. The results of the query then open in datasheet
view. As you can imagine, there are still plenty of records which display.

I want to add a blank row above the top row of the records which display
which allow my users to then further filter the results of the query using
drop-down lists.

My boss tells me he has seen this done in another database, but I think what
he has seen is something which was done to an actual table, rather than on
the results of a query which opens in datasheet view.

Can anyone tell me how to create this magical blank top row for filtering?
Even if it can only be done to a table, I'm prepared to get rid of my query
in favour of the blank top row. I honestly have no idea how to do this!

Sorry if I'm not explaining myself very well, let me know if I need to
clarify anything.

Thank you!!


Weezie1383 said:

I will do my very best to explain what I'm trying to do, but Microsoft
Access isn't my first language so be kind!

I am creating a database for a technical library. I have created a query
which is linked to a form via a macro. My users have 3 combo boxes where they
can select what Ship And/Or System And/Or Document Type they wish to filter
the 160 000+ records I have. The results of the query then open in datasheet
view. As you can imagine, there are still plenty of records which display.

I want to add a blank row above the top row of the records which display
which allow my users to then further filter the results of the query using
drop-down lists.

My boss tells me he has seen this done in another database, but I think what
he has seen is something which was done to an actual table, rather than on
the results of a query which opens in datasheet view.

Can anyone tell me how to create this magical blank top row for filtering?
Even if it can only be done to a table, I'm prepared to get rid of my query
in favour of the blank top row. I honestly have no idea how to do this!

Sorry if I'm not explaining myself very well, let me know if I need to
clarify anything.

Thank you!!


What your boss might be recalling is the "filter by form" tool, which is
available when viewing a table or query in datasheet view, or when
viewing a form that allows filtering. When you click the "filter by
form" button a blank table/form is shown (all data hidden) and allows
you to enter filter criteria in the fields. When you then click "apply
filter", well, you can probably guess what happens.

You can't add a blank row "at the top" of a table or query; in fact
"top" doesn't have meaning here.

Having said all that using filter by form against a table/query, while a
useful debugging tool, is not recommended for users in a production
environment. If your users can directly view table and query data, they
can also change it, sometimes without even realizing they have done so.

Data should be displayed using forms, wherein you can control what
happens to the data. As the name suggests you certainly can use "filter
by form" against forms for quick ad-hoc filters.

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