Filtering a subform using a combobox



I have had alot of great help using this forum so far and needed a
little help with some code I found and am currently using. I am using a
combo box that filters a subform shown as a datasheet. Everything works
great I just need to know how to set it to turn the filter off if the
combo box is either blank or if I add an "All" entry to the combo box.
All or null = show all, or turn the filter off. Thanks in advance.

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()

' Declare variables
Dim frm As Form
Dim strInput As Variant
Dim strFilter As String

' Store value selected in combo box by user
strInput = [Combo0]

' This is the line of code that refers to the subform from the main
Set frm = Forms![testinvwithsub]![InvTbltestform].Form

' Build criteria string
strFilter = BuildCriteria("Building", dbText, strInput)

' Set Filter property to apply filter
frm.Filter = strFilter

' Set FilterOn property to show filtered records
frm.FilterOn = True

End Sub

I wanted to say thanks to Tina, she helped me greatly with buttons to
print out the filtered data.

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