filtering Columns through a table


Pauline Huser

I have 2 tables, 1 that lists Months and their corresponding columns to
another table, e.g
Month month_current month_1yr month_ytd
January Jan_current Jan_1Yr Jan_YTD
February Feb_current

the other table is a chart of accounts where the columns are name
Jan_Current, Jan1Yr etc..

from a form the user uses a combo box for January

the report or query (which ever one would wor) only grabs those columns
from the chart of accounts table

is this possible?


Hi Pauline

It seems you are looking at the access tables like you would an excel
spreadsheet. You should not just store the month (text or number) use a date
form for the month this will give the the year as well. You can then use a
form or query (don't work in the tables except for desgining) to filter the
month and year that you need.


Think I understand what you mean Wayne,

But then would I have to build a query for every month? Or what could I put
on a form or report to draw just the columns I want? There are no date
ranges in the table.
row heading gl Account
row heading gl dept
column heading month_current
column heading month_1yr
column heading month_ytd

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