Filtering Combo Box Entries & Linking objects



I’m trying to set up a form to input data, and I’ve got a couple of questions
about “idiot proofing†it. Hopefully someone can understand the following
rambling and help me out.

I’m an engineer, and we’re preparing an Access database of contractor bids
from our old projects. Once we get the information in place, we’ll be able
to come up with more accurate cost estimates.

Engineering bids are made on a line-item basis. Excavation costs however
much per cubic yard, pipe costs so-and-so per foot, etc.

Our jobs are also separated into different categories. Bids for
Architectural jobs are usually different from roadway jobs, even if they have
similar items.

All that background to get to this: I have a worksheet that’ll have all of
the different bid items for every job type. I’ve already got a form set up
to input that data, and it’s pretty idiot proof.

I then have a worksheet that will have each bid item for a job and the cost
for that item on a given job. On my form, I want a combo box so the data
entry person can just scroll down and find the correct bid item, and then
enter the price in the cell next to it. However, I need to somehow filter
that combo box so that only the items valid for a particular job type are
available. For example, I don’t want her to be able to select an Airport bid
item for a Roadway job.

Question #1:
How do I filter the combo box so that only the valid bid items are selectable?

Question #2:
Each bid item has an applicable unit (cubic yards, square feet, etc.). When
my data entry person selects a bid item, I want the unit to show up in
another box. I wouldn’t want it to be editable … just to show the unit as a
check. If the item is supposed to be in cubic yards, I don’t want her
entering cubic feet. How do I tie together objects in a form like that, so
that a selection in a combo box will automatically reference a worksheet and
cause data to be displayed in a text box?

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