Filtering Combos, Help Please


Gary Hull

I have a small problem

I am working on a form that used 2 combo boxes and one list box create a

The first Combo Box has teachers listed in it, the second Como Box has
the different class (1 period, 2nd period) and the list box is populated
by the Classes Combo Box. The list box has student names in it.

I am using the code that syncs two comb boxes to sync the Classes Combo
and the Student list

My problem is I need to use the Teacher Combo as part of the filter

The form should filter by Teacher Combo then Classes Combo and then the
List Box should be populated by Teachers Combo and Classes Combo. Then
when you click on a name in the list box it should select that record.

So I really need to sync 2 combo boxes and one list box

All help I appreciated


I would requery the classes cbo after update of the teacher cbo, then
requery the list after update of the classes cbo. Be sure to use the teacher
ID as criteria on the classes cbo.


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