Filtering data


Troy S.

Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out an easy way to filter information. Ok here is my
problem. I have a file that I download everything from a brokerage company
with physical money movements. The file that I download has a list of wires
sent out by the broker and trades associates with the wires. Sometimes I have
problems because the wire may not be an exact match to the trade, but may
consist of a multitude of trades which nets to the wire being sent out. Being
that our broker doesn't send out a report with the activity(what each wire
consist of) of each wire, I usually play pick and choose to try and match the
wire being sent out. Is there a more efficient way of filtering out
information to try and search for the trade(s) associate with the wires being
sent? A formula? A macro? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

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