moe --
You might want to tell us what version of Project Server you are using
(2002, 2003, or 2007) and WHERE the user sees the nested levels of dates in
PWA (My Tasks page, Project Center page, etc.). For the moment, I will
assume you are using Project Server 2007 and the user sees the nested dates
on the My Tasks page in PWA. Assuming this is the case, ask the user to do
the following:
1. Log into PWA and navigate to the My Tasks page.
2. Click the Settings menu and select the Group iten on the menu.
My guess is that the user has the Group By and/or Then By values set to
either the Start or Finish fields.
3. Set the Group By and the Then By pick list values to the blank item (top
of the list) and then click the Apply button.
Let us know if this resolves the user's problem, or if my assumptions are