Filters on Text Fields




I am having a filter problem. I checked my logic with some colleagues and we can't figure this one out. Maybe you can help

Here are my fields/columns
Project Type (Text 5
Internal Status (Text12

What I am trying to do
I am trying to create a filter in which I could find projects that have some sort of pending status. In addition, we have different types of projects and I am trying to filter that out as well.

I have set this up in multiple ways and no matter what I do, "Invest" keeps popping up in the Text5 field.

My logic
To filter out the pending status: I would have to filter out "Internal Status" (Text12) to contain or equal: NS, HOLD, or IMPACT. OR, I could always filter it out for "Internal Status" (Text12) does not contain: ACTIVE or COMPLET

To filter out the project type: I would have to filter out "Project Type" (Text5) to contain or equal: Intern. OR, I could always filter it out for "Project Type" (Text5) does not contain: Inves

Here are some of the ways that I tried
And/Or --> Field Name --> Test --> Value(s
blank --> Text5 --> contains --> Inter
And --> Text12 --> contains --> N
Or --> Text12 --> contains --> HOL
Or --> Text 12--> contains --> IMPAC

And/Or --> Field Name --> Test --> Value(s
blank --> Text5 --> contains --> Inter
And --> Text5 --> does not contain --> Invest NOTE: tried this one with "Or" als
And --> Text12 --> contains --> N
Or --> Text12 --> contains --> HOL
Or --> Text 12 --> contains --> IMPAC
Or --> Text 12 --> does not contain --> COMPLETE NOTE: tried with "And" to
Or --> Text 12 --> does not contain --> ACTIVE NOTE: tried with "And" to

All I can think of is that maybe I need some sort of parenthesis or something? If so, how do I do that
Thanks in advance for your help



Wow! It's been quite a while since I tried creating a complex filter and
most of the time I got frustrated and used an alternate approach (i.e.
VBA). However, "parenthesis" may be just what you need. If you check the
help file for creating filters you will find a remark at the bottom that
says if you want to group criteria, put the "AND" or "OR" operators on
their own separate line. For example,

blank --> Text5 --> contains --> intern
And --> blank --> blank --> blank
blank --> Text12 --> contains --> NS
Or --> Text12 --> contains --> HOLD
Or --> Text12 --> contains --> IMPACT

If this approach still doesn't quite get what you need, you can do what
I usually do and create a simple macro that examines the contents of a
field for the criteria and then sets a spare flag field from that task.
A filter is then applied on the flag field. Just remember to clear the
flag field at the start of the macro.

Hope this helps.


Gee with all that excitement maybe its a good thing I wasn't there. Glad
I could help.


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