

Sundos Masri

A new filters were created in Version MS2003 and the file was sent to us. We
open it in MS2007 and when try to filter for reports based on the newly built
in filters, nothing comes up. We checked to see if the built in filter
/changes made are actually there and they are. Any idea to why can get
actuall data when we filter based on cutom built fitlers.

Please advise


Hello Sundos Masri,

Without knowing more details -- we would only be guessing.

Kindly let us know the specific details of the filter -- list each
line in the filter definition dialog box including the field, test,
and value.

Also letting us know what view you are attempting to apply the
filter in would be helpful. Did the filters work as expected in
Project 2003?

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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Sundos Masri

Thanks Julie. In the definition Dialog Box, The name is 1 - Academic Advising
In field name: Text2
In the Test: Equals
In the Valyes: AA

AA is for Academci advising

So When I go back and click project, filter for 1 - Academic Advisig, no
tasks are presented. Any ideas



Do you have any tasks marked as AA in the Text2 field? Is there
more than one value in the field? If so, try test "Contains"
instead of equals.


Sundos Masri

Thanks Julie

In version MS 2007, There was not tasks marks in the column "Text2"
fileds.column "Text2" fileds were blank. However in version 2003 the task
marks in theText2" fileds.column were present and I guess when we opened
the file in 2007 the tasks masrk did not copy over. what is easiest way to
copy them over? I tried coy and paste but that did not work either.



You're welcome. In the project file opened in Project 2003, is
there a formula or a drop-down list? Open the file in 2003 right
click on the Text2 column heading and choose Customize Fields. Let
us know what the customize fields dialog box shows.


Sundos Masri

Thanks Julie

I do not have the Ms 2003 Project file any more but according to the
person who create it, it work just fine on their end. Anway, they are going
to send the file again to us agin in MS 2007 and we will see if that solves
our issue. Thanks again for your help


You're welcome and thanks for the feedback. If the issue continues,
please post again and perhaps we can get to the root of it.


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