

Judy Jennings

I have put what I think is a basic filter on 3 reports. I
have made no other changes to the reports. I add the
filters, save it, run it and everything appears to be ok
and the next time I go to run them....they are gone. I set
them back up....appears that they are ok and
working....and next thing I know they are gone. Sometimes
1, sometimes 2, sometime all 3.....I am going a little
crazy here. I have checked all that I know and it is
probably something that I am over looking. I would
appreciate ANY help that you could give me. Thanks a
bunch, Judy


I just posted the same question, but here's what I
discovered- if there are selection critera in the query
the report pulling from, the filter is not saved in the
report. Is that the case with you?


Yes, that is the case. Seems very odd. I set up the
filters on my report save and run the reports and all
seems to be fine. When I go to let's say.....macros,
without running anything out of there and then go back
into reports.....they are gone. They were working
properly and I have other reports that I have used this on
and they are still working in Production.....not sure what
is going on....Judy


Access goes brain dead on me like that all the time. Now
I have a calculated filed in the report using a field from
the query [ccost]*1.5, and the report is prompting me for
a value for [ccost], so I make it [query-name]![ccost],
and it prompts me for a value for [query-name]

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