filtration of worksheets tallying 2 million seperate phone numbers



Hi, I am a loan officer at a mortgage brokerage. We have
recently put the new nationwide no-call list on an excel spreadsheet.
have 2 questions for you. First: is there a way to make excel have
rows than 65,536 (preferably like 2 million) as the colorado part of
national no-call list is about 2 million. And second;can you tell me
how to
filter one workshet against a second with 30 columns and 65,536
filter feature I use only takes into consideration the left-most

Dave Peterson

There's nothing you can do to increase the number of rows or columns in excel.

I'm not sure what you're doing with the second question, but maybe you could
treat each of the 30 columns individually. If you're filtering each column
against another list, maybe you could add a extra column (for each of the 30
columns) and put your results in that helper column.

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