Final questions on spreadsheet -



Thanks in advance for any help you can offer with my
spreadsheet. While working on entering the formulas for
the final two columns my computer locked up and I lost

Anyway, I was able to recreate the spreadsheet with the
exception of the last three columns. I cannot seem to get
them to operate correctly.

Here are the columns to be consired in the calculations:

Column N - Sale Vol. ($ amt)
Column O - Commission (%)
Column P - Relocation Fee (%)
Column Q - Gross Co. Income this transaction ($ amt)
Column R - YTD Net Commission ($)
Column S - Company $$$ ($)
Column T - Agent $$$ ($)

Q = N * O
R = Q * P unless P = 0%, in which case R = Q, however,
each cell in column R needs to be added to the cell above
it to provide the Year-to-Date total (this figure should
only go back to the beginning of the calendar year - i.e.
Jan. 1 of current year). Then from the YTD Net Commission
Column R), the Company (Column S) and Agent (Column T)
commissions can be calculated based on the following:
Column S should be 30% of Q if R is <$30,000, 10% of Q if
R is $30,000 to $38,999.99, and 0% of Q if R is $39,000
or greater.
Column T should be the other 70% of Q if R is <$30,000,
90% of Q if R is $30,000 to $38,999.99, and 100% of Q if R
is $39,000 or greater.

Thank you to anyone who can help me wrap this up!!


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