FINAL Touch Needed!! Form Coding



I have a bound form displaying two fields with values - NumberID 00000 and
Number 0-0000. I have an unbound text box that I use to search numbers in the
database.I type in 00000 ,hit Enter and the record is retrieved. My Function
=Find_Record() has the coding as follows attached on the After Update event
procedure in the unbound search box.
With CodeContextObject
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRemove FilterSort
DoCmd.GoToControl "[NumberID]"
DoCmd.FindRecord .Search, acEntire, False, , False, , True
DoCmd.GoToControl "Number"

I now must add similar numbers to the database. For instance:
NumberID Number
00000 0-0000
00000 00-000
00000 000-00 etc..

So, I have added a subform fsubNumber to the main form and it is visible
only when the typed in search record has multiple numbers. The coding
attached to the On Curent property is:
If Me!Multiple = -1 Then
Forms!frmProduct!fsubNumber.Visible = True
Forms!frmProduct!fsubNumber.Visible = False

The multiple records appear in the subform and the initial search continues
and finds the first record in the subform and displays on the main form.
This is where I NEED HELP!

I want to select, for instance, the third multiple record on the subform and
have the Number field on the main form match the selected number on the
subform. I would like the search code to stop running as well insted of
continuing as it does now until I select the appropriate record. Can ANYONE
guide me in the right direction, PLEASE?

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